
Am 22.06.2015 um 05:50 schrieb Ankush Grover:
*Logs of Icinga2* *on Satellite Server (jiraca-test.example.corp)*

Jun 21 23:39:23 jiraca-test icinga2: [2015-06-21 23:39:23 -0400]
critical/config: Error: Endpoint object for 'jiraca-test.example.corp'
is missing.

*Zones file of Satellite Server* (jiraca-test.example.corp)

object Endpoint "testing-staging.example.com
<http://testing-staging.example.com>" {

object Zone "master" {
         //this is the local node master named  = "master"
         endpoints = [ "testing-staging.example.com
<http://testing-staging.example.com>" ]

object Endpoint "jiraca-test" {
   host = "jiraca-test.example.corp"

object Zone "jiraca-test" {
   endpoints = [ "jiraca-test" ]
   parent = "master"

*constants.conf file of satellite server*

const NodeName = "jiraca-test.example.corp"

There's a naming convention for cluster nodes. Your NodeName does not
match the Endpoint name.

Check here for more details:


Kind regards,

Michael Friedrich, DI (FH)
Application Developer

NETWAYS GmbH | Deutschherrnstr. 15-19 | D-90429 Nuernberg
Tel: +49 911 92885-0 | Fax: +49 911 92885-77
GF: Julian Hein, Bernd Erk | AG Nuernberg HRB18461
http://www.netways.de | michael.friedr...@netways.de

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