I had much help from the command
icinga2 object list
and a lot of staring on the files which define the different objects.

Trust me, that helps a lot getting an expert in 24h ;).


Am 14.04.2015 um 21:24 schrieb Markus Joosten:
> Actually no, this is still old Icinga 1 syntax.
> The new syntax for a check command is as follows (taken from example 
> check_tcp):
> object CheckCommand "tcp" {
> import "plugin-check-command"
> import "ipv4-or-ipv6"
> command = [
> PluginDir + "/check_tcp",
> "-H", "$tcp_address$",
> "-p", "$tcp_port$"
> ]
> vars.tcp_address = "$check_address$"
> }
> Try to adapt your check command to the new syntax.
> Also the documentation for Icinga2 has a lot of guidance for redefining
> everything the new way.
> Regards,
> Markus

> On 14 Apr 2015, at 21:16, Ednei Felipe Faleiro Rodrigues
> <ednei_rodrig...@sicredi.com.br <mailto:ednei_rodrig...@sicredi.com.br>> 
> wrote:
>> Thanks Markus for the answer!!!
>> So, let me see...
>> In the Old Icinga:
>> /define command{/
>> /        command_name    check_ldap/
>> /        command_line    $USER1$/check_ldap -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -b
>> "dc=xxxxx,dc=com,dc=br" -D "cn=Manager,dc=br" -w XXXXX /
>> /        }/
>> /define service{/
>> /        use                     generic-service/
>> /        host_name               ds1openldap1h/
>> /        service_description     LDAP/
>> /        check_command           check_ldap/
>> /}/
>> This Will be:
>> define command{
>>         command_name    check_ldap
>>         command_line    $USER1$/check_ldap -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -b
>> "dc=xxxxx,dc=com,dc=br" -D "cn=Manager,dc=br" -w XXXXX
>>         }
>> define service{
>>         use                     generic-service
>>         host_name               ds1openldap1h
>>         service_description     LDAP
>>         check_command           check_ldap
>> }
>> Is this right ?

>> Em Ter, 2015-04-14 às 21:02 +0200, Markus Joosten escreveu:
>>> Good evening to you ;)
>>> It's true, adapting from Icinga 1 / Nagios to Icinga 2 is quite an effort,
>>> since literally everything has changed. 
>>> But from my point of view the effort is well worth it!
>>> You still can use your old check_ldap plugin (or whatever you were using)
>>> but you have to define the proper command and all arguments. (There is
>>> already a command definition for check_tcp if that is enough for you.)
>>> You should check the provided configuration examples and the
>>> documentation, everything is well documented. 
>>> Once you have adapted to Icinga2, i'm sure you don't want to miss it
>>> again. (talking from my experience of course)
>>> Regards,
>>> Markus

>>> Good Afternoon guys! How are you doing ?
>>> Guys, I am taking very difficulty to configure a service to check the ldap
>>> service for my remote LDAP Server. In the past, I used the Icinga 1 and I
>>> did not have difficulty to configure, because was more simple.
>>> Now, on icinga 2, Did someone tried to configure this service ?
>>> Thanks for the reply!

Freundliche Grüße
Klaus Muth
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