Chris, glad you chimed in. I posted to the group in general and anyone's input 
is welcome.
When I asked about an "app" for Icinga, I was basing it on apps such as Nagify 
and Nagimon, which provide this functionality for Nagios (the former also for 
Icinga 1.x apparently.)
Okay, I will give the Web 2 server a try - crossing my fingers about "leakage" 
between production and test; if it's in Beta 3 it's not as if it is so new and 
untested that it's likely to bring the system to a halt.

I definitely will keep an eye on future features to deal with the audible alert 
/ push notification requirement the team is looking for.

Thanks to both you and Eric for your advice.


-----Original Message-----
From: icinga-users [] On Behalf Of 
LaJoie, Chris
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2015 9:13 PM
To: Icinga User's Corner
Subject: Re: [icinga-users] Mobile client for Icinga

Kinda feel like I'm butting in on someone else's conversation, but I happen to 
know the answer to this.

There is no "app" for Icinga. Your Icinga Web 2 site would need to be 
accessible on the public internet and you just navigate to it in the browser on 
your phone. Icinga Web 2 is a web application that uses what the cool kids call 
"responsive design". Basically it just means that it looks good no matter what 
size screen you're looking at it on. I can attest to this because I have Icinga 
2/Icinga Web 2 running in our infrastructure and I have had to access it from 
my phone on several occasions. One limitation is that the navigation menu 
that's usually on the left side of the page is not available. This means you 
only have access to the dashboard(s). However you can create many dashboards, 
and put anything on them you want. In practice I don't see this as a 
"limitation" at all.

Regarding setting up icinga web 2 in your prod environment, you could (as you 
already mentioned) set it up on a separate server. I believe in this case you 
would need to use one of the ido plugins for icinga2 (mysql or postgresql). I 
use the postgresql one myself. Works great.


-----Original Message-----
From: icinga-users [] On Behalf Of 
Jay Newman
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2015 9:16
To: Icinga User's Corner
Subject: Re: [icinga-users] Mobile client for Icinga

Thanks for clarifying - yes I was under the impression that you were suggesting 
I install Icinga Web 2 on my production environment, as my understanding is 
that it is a web server rather than a client itself. Not meaning to sound 
stubborn, but whether it was used as the production web service or not, that 
still violates the barrier between production and testing if I install it on 
the production Icinga server.
Perhaps I have been looking in the wrong place, if there is an Icinga Web 2 
mobile client available. I looked in the Apple store to no avail. 
Or if the answer is to have a separate server running Icinga Web 2 and connect 
to the production database, that would be somewhat safer.


-----Original Message-----
From: icinga-users [] On Behalf Of 
Eric Lippmann
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2015 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [icinga-users] Mobile client for Icinga

Hi Jay,

I did not ask you to install Icinga Web 2 in production but rather what’s the 
reason for not using Icinga Web 2 as a mobile client (only). Sorry for the 

You've asked for a client for “keeping an eye on things when stepping away from 
desk”. With Icinga Web 2 you do not have to zoom in an out to control the 
application because Icinga Web 2 adapts to your screen’s resolution. That’s why 
I said it seems that Icinga Web 2 has the features you require.
If you’ve already tested Icinga Web 2 with a mobile client and didn’t find it 
useful please open an issue at<> or simply 
write me a mail.

Of course it’s lacking push notifications. But that’s interesting stuff and I 
will create an issue for that on our tracker.

Maybe you find icinga-mobile useful though it’s deprecated and requires 
Icinga-web 1.x.

On 02 Apr 2015, at 15:10, Jay Newman 
<<>> wrote:

Icinga Web 2 is still being released as Beta - which is not production.
Yes, I have fired up an instance in a test lab and it looks promising - but I 
am not about to install it into a production environment. Surprised you had to 
even ask that.

I am curious about how you feel it has all the features I require, when I don't 
see a mobile client for it.

I am _not_ talking about using a browser; we could already just use any 
tablet's native browser to accomplish that with any of the Icinga web 
If I had to call out the most important feature or features that the monitoring 
team have asked for that they feel a mobile client is suited for, the first 
would be some form of audible notification. I am considering just using email 
notifications for that purpose but that varies from the feature requests. 
Secondary would just be that within an app instead of a browser, navigation 
would be expected to be somewhat better than zooming in to click on a 
particular spot and zooming out to see the resultant screen.


-----Original Message-----
From: icinga-users [] On Behalf Of 
Eric Lippmann
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2015 3:39 AM
Subject: Re: [icinga-users] Mobile client for Icinga

Hi Jay,

Everything seems great, and though we may move to  the Icinga Web 2 interface 
at some point in the future, we are waiting for it to be a tad more matured.

Just for the records, what exactly makes you not using Icinga Web 2 at all? Did 
you already have a look at it? It has all the features you seem to require.


Eric Lippmann
Application Developer

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