On 16/01/15 00:55, Joseph L. Casale wrote:
Thanks for the tip, are you able to provide an example of how to define
the services I want for my host using the technique you describe ?
You're nesting types without purpose, you don't use the dictionary
key for anything. You also only override a single element within your

If you do need overrides and simply did not show it, here are two
scenarios (untested) which build a dynamic service name:

***** no override facility ******

object Host "my-server" {
   vars.basic_partitions = [ "/", "/tmp", "/var", "/home" ]
   vars.other_partitions = [ "/var/lib/foo", "/var/lib/baz" ]

apply Service "basic disk " for (part in host.vars.basic_partitions) {

   // Leverage part against some check command...

   assign where host.vars.basic_partitions

Thanks, that did exactly what I needed. Well, the format, my actual check is something totally different
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