Hi there,

Icinga2 doc says:

:: Command Timeouts
:: In Icinga 1.x there were two global options defining a host and service 
check timeout. This was essentially bad when there only was a couple of check 
plugins requiring some command timeouts to be extended.
:: Icinga 2 allows you to specify the command timeout directly on the command. 
So if your VMVware check plugin takes 15 minutes, increase the timeout 

I am trying to run by_ssh checks with 

  vars.by_ssh_quiet = true
  vars.by_ssh_timeout = 120

. However the commands will be killed after a timeout of 60secs:

warning/Process: Killing process 24170 ('/opt/icinga2/libexec/check_by_ssh' 
'-C' '/opt/icinga2/libexec/check_ipmi.py -H x.x.x.x  -U xx' '-H' 'y.y.y.y' '-q' 
'-t' '120') after timeout of 60 seconds

Maybe this is due to a hardcoded default of 60 secs ?

Regards, Konstantin

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: icinga-users [mailto:icinga-users-boun...@lists.icinga.org] Im Auftrag von 
Joseph L. Casale
Gesendet: Montag, 29. Dezember 2014 22:22
An: Icinga User's Corner
Betreff: Re: [icinga-users] ICINGA2 Switch monitoring Best practice

>> The docs have an example for this very use case.
>> Check out the apply rules and what you can do with dictionaries and arrays.

> Thanks for the answer , can you point me please to that example i must 
> missed that ,it would be very helpful

Well, open a  browser to http://docs.icinga.org/icinga2/latest
then type Ctrl-f and type "apply" without quotes, you will find the first 
section that deals with "apply" rules.

The example is in the "Using Apply For Rules" heading.

The functionality provided by the configuration abilities in Icinga 2 are quite 
elaborate compared to the original code from Nagios, the docs cover a lot but 
you will still need to put the time in to discover all you can do with 
dictionaries and arrays and how these can dynamically manipulate service naming 
and configuration.

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