Hey all,

I'm stumped - I'm running icinga v1.11.1, and am using service escalations to escalate non-critical issues through my engineers.

Depending on the servicegroup a host is in (critical vs non-critical), I set notification intervals on my escalations to either 5, 15, or 30 minutes. I've defined a set of service escalations which should alert to non-critical (a4, in my definitions below) alarms every 30 min. The web config view (attached) confirms this configuration. However, the alarms are being sent every 5 minutes.

Can anybody help debug / identify why this is happening? (I have grumpy engineers!)


Config snippet
define serviceescalation {
    #NAGIOSQL_CONFIG_NAME              a4 escalations to e1
    hostgroup_name                     *
    servicegroup_name                  sg-a4
    contact_groups                     cg-e1
    first_notification                 1
    last_notification                  3
    notification_interval              30
    escalation_period                  tp_a4
    register                           1

define serviceescalation {
    #NAGIOSQL_CONFIG_NAME              a4 escalations to e2
    servicegroup_name                  sg-a4
    contact_groups                     cg-e2
    first_notification                 4
    last_notification                  8
    notification_interval              30
    escalation_period                  tp_a4
    register                           1

define serviceescalation {
    #NAGIOSQL_CONFIG_NAME              a4 escalations to e3
    servicegroup_name                  sg-a4
    contact_groups                     cg-e3
    first_notification                 9
    last_notification                  100
    notification_interval              30
    escalation_period                  tp_a4
    register                           1
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