I'm trying to compile Icinga 2.0.2 on Solaris 11.1, with the Sun
Studio compiler. I've run into several problems so far:
1. While compiling build/tools/mkclass/class_parser.cc, the compiler
complained about the "exit" function call not having a prototype (in
stdlib.h). Changing the call to "std::exit" got past this.
2. While compiling lib/base/debug.hpp, the same thing happened with an
"abort" call. Changing the call to "std::abort" got past this.
3. Duplicate function definition in lib/base/dynamictype.cpp:
# make
[ 6%] Building CXX object
line 77: Error, dupfuncdef: static
icinga::DynamicType::GetObjects<icinga::DynamicType::T>() already had a
body defined.
line 79: Error, noobjcall: Use "." or "->" to call
line 84: Where, temwhileinst: While instantiating "static
line 84: Where, teminstend: Instantiated from non-template code.
line 80: Error, noobjcall: Use "." or "->" to call
line 84: Where, temwhileinst: While instantiating "static
line 84: Where, teminstend: Instantiated from non-template code.
3 Error(s) detected.
*** Error code 2
The following command caused the error:
cd /files/source/icinga/icinga-2.0.2-SunOS-5.11-i386/build/lib/base &&
/opt/solarisstudio12.3/bin/CC -DI2_BASE_BUILD -mt=yes
-library=stlport4 -xcode=pic32 -erroff=wvarhidemem,hidevf,hidevfinvb
-errtags=yes -I/usr/local/include/openssl -I /usr/include -xO3
-DNDEBUG -KPIC -I/usr/local/include
-o CMakeFiles/base.dir/dynamictype.cpp.o -c
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target
Current working directory
*** Error code 1
The following command caused the error:
make -f lib/base/CMakeFiles/base.dir/build.make
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target
Current working directory
*** Error code 1
The following command caused the error:
make -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 all
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all'
Any suggestions on what could be causing this?
*John Woods*
System Integration Administrator
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.
Phone: (800) 225-0132 x2663
Direct: (785) 822-6771
E-mail: john.wo...@greatplainsmfg.com
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