I need to troubleshoot a couple of checks in Icinga2 that are not making their 
way into graphite.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? What logs should I be looking at?

As it stands right now, all checks by this particular check plugin are working 
great and passing into graphite just fine.

Except for two of the check commands. They work fine with Icinga2 but for some 
reason they never create graphs in graphite.

The check plugin is check_wmi_plus 1.58, graphite is 0.9.12, Icinga2 is 2.0.1 
using classic-ui 1.11.5

The two check commands that are not generating graphs are checkmem and 

Manually running these checks at the command line works great, Icinga2 runs 
them just fine and all the perf data is there.

The subdirectories in graphite get created as expected in 
/var/lib/graphite/icinga/servername/checkcommandname/... and there are some 
default wsp files in there but not the ones with the information from the check 

These are the only files listed in the check command subdirectory:

current_attempt.wsp  latency.wsp             reachable.wsp   state.wsp
execution_time.wsp   max_check_attempts.wsp  state_type.wsp

>From Icinga2-classic-ui:

Status Information:
WARNING - [Triggered by _MemUsed%>85] - Physical Memory: Total: 2GB - Used: 
1.723GB (86%) - Free: 283.664MB (14%)
Performance Data:
'Physical Memory Used'=1849573376Bytes; 'Physical Memory Utilisation'=86%;85;95;

>From command line:

OK - Physical Memory: Total: 2GB - Used: 1.723GB (86%) - Free: 283.574MB 
(14%)|'Physical Memory Used'=1849667584Bytes; 'Physical Memory Utilisation'=86%;
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