Hi Carl,
your suggestion was perfectly!!! The master server don't read the .crt
file. I changed proprietary of file with chown and restored the user icinga
in the file /etc/sysconfig/icinga2.
Now work fine!!!
Thanks in advance!!!   ;)

2014-07-25 13:05 GMT+02:00 Carl R. Friend <crfri...@rcn.com>:

>    On Fri, 25 Jul 2014, Alfonso Pace wrote:
>  ICINGA2_USER=root
>    Do not do the above.  As has been stated before, it's neither
> recommended nor supported and can open your system up to a whole
> raft of problems security-wise.  Just don't do it.  Your security
> auditor will ignore you if you run as non-root and will crucify
> you if you do; the former is preferred.
>  If I start the daemons with icinga users (user and group setted in
>> /etc/sysconfig/icinga2) the system return this error.
>> *CONFIGURATION WITCH CAUSE ERROR  critical/ApiListener: SSL context is
>> required for AddListener()*
>    Are there any errors emitted before that final critical?  If so,
> what are they?  Do they pertain to permissions issues (e.g. "cannot
> open file "foo.cert")?  The odds are that you have permissioning
> issues which render some critical component of the SSL path unreadable
> and that's what's causing the issue.  Find that and the rest should
> fall into place naturally.  There are various Linux tools to assist
> you in this quest (e.g. "strace") if the Icinga2 code doesn't emit a
> useful diagnostic.  Read The Friendly Manual.
>    Cheers!
> +------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
> | Carl Richard Friend (UNIX Sysadmin)            | West Boylston       |
> | Minicomputer Collector / Enthusiast            | Massachusetts, USA  |
> | mailto:crfri...@rcn.com                        +---------------------+
> | http://users.rcn.com/crfriend/museum           | ICBM: 42:22N 71:47W |
> +------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
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