On 11.07.2014 14:09, Antonio Fernández Pérez wrote:
​Hi list,

I would like to know if is possible to delete some files from Icinga server, for example perfdata files, without affect to the service. This action, could produce lost data?​

The core does not care about these written files processed by an external application (npcd, ingrapd, graphios, etc). Similar to the ido db backend - it may be cleaned from historical entries, only the web and reporting are affected by that.

For the other hand, I would like to know what directories from Icinga can grow a lot, for example, I have checked log files and its size is normal but, I'm not sure if they can be directories arriving to grow enough to fill the hard disk capacity.

1) monitor your icinga host, graph the trends
2) usually log files (icinga.log archives) and if a db is used, the size
3) debug logs and not processed performance data files (the latter leads into funny inode problems [0])


[0] http://www.legendiary.at/2013/09/27/the-inode-problem/

I hope your advices.



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Michael Friedrich, DI (FH)
Application Developer

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