On 16.05.2014 16:04, Christian Gruen wrote:

Has anyone an idea what i am missing here? I would deeply grateful if
someone could post a working Apache config here. Or could give hint
that points me into he right direction.

I'd say that's more of an application problem not sending basic auth if configured. The sencha methods used could do that, though it's kind of a hackery making these options available as configurable items.

Looking at
unveils that the headers are not modified when sending a request.

Similar to sending a command here
and the general file

By sending a base64 encoded authorization string of user/pass, this could work (REST is similar to SOAP here).

Tbh that's just a blind guess, and requires one patching it into, testing it and creating an upstream compatible patch. If it even works, and the apache config thingy isn't solvable.

Jannis should know more here being the original author.

Regarding the apache foo - you must handle the exclusion directly in the /icinga-web location. Similar to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13950207/how-to-make-basic-auth-exclude-a-rewritten-url (only a quick google, untested)

kind regards,

DI (FH) Michael Friedrich

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