Thank you for your response. I will give further information and continue 
testing and resolving some of the problems. I should have made notes on the 

The hardest part that took me a while was the new stable release of Apache 2.4 
on Red Hat Fedora which changed the configuration files around and the format 
of the conf files. This is not a Icinga problem but maybe a heads up for what 
Apache 2.4 is bringing to the table.

Another thing is I noticed Icinga changed the PHP Framework to Zend. This is a 
good thing becuae the previous framework was confusing to me but that is just 
me. Zend is a well founded PHP Framework that just works and is well known.

Should I move this topic to the dev mailing list?

Sherman Lilly
(865) 215-3536
Senior Systems Administrator
Knox County

From: icinga-users [] on behalf of Michael 
Friedrich []
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 5:54 AM
Subject: Re: [icinga-users] Icinga Web 2 authentication

On 17.03.2014 14:47, Sherman Lilly wrote:
> This may be a developer question but I will start here and see what happens.

Thanks for testing the early in-development version of Icinga Web 2.
Please keep in mind, that there is no public release nor any alpha/Beta
version yet.

So if something breaks, or remains broken, it means no harm, and we
should work together in fixing this - best by creating a new issue at

> I have installed Icinga Web 2 and it wasn't easy.

Care to elaborate how?

> I am a seasoned PHP programmer and system administrator and installation 
> needs more work.

There are some issues still open for a) making the install method more
comfortable b) create a web installer and finally c) create packages.

I am currently working on the c) part for RPMs.

> I would be willing to help but for now I need a working installation.

In any case, when asking here or creating an issue, please provide the
following information to make the developers and users life easier

- distribution and version
- webserver+version, php version
- additional webserver configuration
- how did you install icingaweb2? (if source, full cmd line. if
packages, which repo)
- until there is a public release, please extract git HEAD sha1 commit
(git log -1)
- icingaweb2 configuration changes, if any
- icingaweb2 logs/debuglogs containing insights
- webbrowser dev console with additional errors?

> I have running on my server and the login page comes up. Authenication is the 
> problem. When I try to log in it gives the error that no authentication 
> method works.

Anything on the browser dev console? What is the exact error message?
Anything on the logs? (I could point you to the path if I would know how
you did attempt to install it)

> I see the configuration for LDAP but no information on MySQL configuration.

Where? How does it look like?

> I have reviewed the source code and figured out some of the table layouts but 
> I still don't have it quite right. Is there some sql file I am missing?

How did you setup the icingaweb database, and apply the required schemas?

> The reasoning for not using LDAP is the extra overhead.

That's totally fine. The reason why LDAP has been chosen as primary auth
method is simple: The developers are using a Vagrant Box for their
development stages (everyone uses the same platform, etc). Within that
box, openldap is running serving a base schema allowing further
development on that feature requirement.

But indeed you are correct that the other authentication methods require
to be tested and implemented as well.

I recently ran into the problem that the db auth was broken too and
created an issue which had been fixed before cebit. Maybe there's a
regression that fix in the current git master.

So in order to fix that issue (and not do any nitpicking on db auth vs
ldap auth!) I'd love to see all the required information outlined above.

Feel free to open an issue on in the Icinga Web 2 section
directly and let developers know.

best regards,

DI (FH) Michael Friedrich  || icinga open source monitoring || lead core developer       ||      || dnsmichi
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