On 26.02.2014 19:20, Kleber Rocha wrote:
I got this error when I click on host in Status Map
Request Failed.
In firebug console I have this message:
| <div class="exception_title">Uncaught PDOException thrown:</div>
|| <div class="exception_text">
|| SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base
table or view not found||: 1146 Table 'icinga.icinga_slahistory' doesn't exist
|| <div class="exception_stacktrace"><b>Stacktrace:</b><br/>#0
PDOStatement->execute()<br />
||#1 /usr/share/icinga-web/app/modules/Api/actions/ApiSearchAction.class.php(242):
IcingaSlahistoryTable||::getSummary(NULL, Object(Api_SLA_SLAFilterModel))<br />|
icinga-web: 1.10.0
icinga: 1.10.2
How can I fix this?
Can't reproduce the issue although the slahistory table has been dropped
in 1.9 or 1.10 already it shouldn't hurt.
Can you describe the issue with some additional details? Which database
backend ist used? Any custom templates applied?
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