On 17.01.2014 20:01, Mark Haney wrote:
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This is probably deep down in the docs, but I can't find it.

No it's not. There should be sort of a best practice section like 'connect a remote agent to icinga 2 howto'. Wanna create an issue and add some text? I'll only explain it to you to try without trying myself, and you'll document the success ;)

How do I
setup NRPE checks in Icinga2?  Would I set it up similar to an
existing Icinga2 service in the config:

  services["ping4"] = {
  templates = [ "generic-service" ],
  check_command = "ping4",

Would be edited to this:

  services["checkload"] = {
  templates = [ "generic-service" ],
  check_command = "check_nrpe!check_load",

First off, you'll need a CheckCommand with the name "check_nrpe". That one contains the command line call to the plugin binary, and additional arguments.

object CheckCommand "check_nrpe" inherits "plugin-check-command" {
  command = [ "$plugindir$/check_nrpe"
              "-H", "$address$,
              "-c", "$command$"

  macros = {
    "command" = "check_users"

Please note the $command$ macro which will be used as argument being passed from the service to the check command.

  services["checkload"] = {
    templates = [ "generic-service" ],
    check_command = "check_nrpe",
    macros = {
      "command" = "check_load"

In addition, your remote client must have NRPE daemon with nrpe cfg running. Your local icinga 2 instance only requires the check_nrpe plugin binary installed.

Or something similar?  The docs all point to the Icinga1.x syntax and
structure.  Do I need to define the check_nrpe command somewhere?

Yep. And that obviously should be documented.

https://dev.icinga.org/issues/5496 as working ticket.

kind regards,

DI (FH) Michael Friedrich

mail:     michael.friedr...@gmail.com
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jabber:   dnsmi...@jabber.ccc.de
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icinga open source monitoring
position: lead core developer
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