An introduction to the z/OS shells
There are two shells available for use on z/OS UNIX System Services:
The z/OS shell.

  *   The tcsh shell.

The z/OS shell is modeled after the UNIX System V shell with some of the 
features found in the Korn shell. As implemented for z/OS UNIX System Services, 
this shell conforms to POSIX standard 1003.2, which has been adopted as ISO/IEC 
International Standard 9945-2: 1992.
The tcsh shell is an enhanced but compatible version of csh, the Berkeley UNIX 
C shell. It is a command language interpreter that can be used as a login shell 
and as a shell script command processor.

In other words, the z/OS shell seems to be independently developed by IBM and 
is based on both the Unix System V shell and the Korn shell.

I think the fact that Korn and Kern are similar names is just coincidence.

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> on behalf of 
Rick Troth <>
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2025 6:33 AM
Subject: Re: OMVS

I don't recall if OMVS ever included the Korn shell. Haven't paid close
enough attention.

 >  (C) Copyright *Mortice Kern* Systems, Inc., 1985, 1996.

The Mortice Kern Toolkit (MKS Toolkit) was also available for Windoze in
those days, an excellent "front" on an otherwise non-POSIX system, very
similar to what CYGWIN does. I remember requesting MKS TK from my
management at the time, but since it's a charge-for product they always
wanted more justification than I could muster. Naturally I then landed
on CYGWIN which was somewhat of a toy until around 2005.

I was delighted to see MKS Toolkit as a significant part of OMVS because
I had seen and used it in the Microsoft world and it worked well there.

Never seen "Kern" apart from "Mortice", so I took "kern shell" to be a
typo for "korn shell".

-- R; <><

On 1/26/25 3:26 PM, Mike Schwab wrote:
> Licensed Material - Property of IBM
> 5694-A01 Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2011
> (C) Copyright *Mortice Kern* Systems, Inc., 1985, 1996.
> (C) Copyright Software Development Group, University of Waterloo, 1989.
> All Rights Reserved.
> U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights
> Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by
> GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
> IBM is a registered trademark of the IBM Corp.
> On Sun, Jan 26, 2025 at 12:51 PM Paul Gilmartin <
>> wrote:
>> On Sun, 26 Jan 2025 18:12:01 +0100, Radoslaw Skorupka  wrote:
>>>     ...
>>>> How does Kern shell compare with Bourne shell and POSIX shell?
>>>> A quick Google search for "Kern shell" returns mostly pages about
>>>> psychology or thermal engineering.
>>> Obvious typo. Was it funny?
>> More than I care to know about heat exchangers.
>> And I doubt that I mistyped.  I copied "Kern shell" with mouse from
>> an earlier ply and pasted directly into the query string.
>> And there seems to be a passing reference in an IBM page:
>> <
>> -- gil
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-- R; <><

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