On Sat, 25 Jan 2025 19:45:48 GMT, esst...@juno.com wrote: >Hello LionelI issued call bpxwunix 'cd /test/app/cics/java/work_dir/ && >ls-la',,out. >. >ANd I received the same results; where the data returned is my Home Directory >and NOT the directory >i requested. >. /* REXX Add some instrumentation: */ /* REXX */Say 'REX2 Entered' trace N signal on novalue call bpxwunix , 'exec 2>&1;' , /* Merge stderr into stdout. */ 'set -x;' , /* Trace shell commands. */ 'cd /test/app/cics/java/work_dir/ &&' , ' ls -la;' , 'pwd;' , /* What directory are we in? */ , ,'out.' Do outx = 1 to OUT.0 Say 'OUT.'outx '=' OUT.outx End outx Say 'REX2 Exit' EXIT 0
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