On 2025-01-25 14:36 PM, Ed Jaffe wrote:
At an early point in TLS handshaking, the z/OS client is proposing the "secp521r1" curve which is being rejected by wsftp. It is looking for "secp256r1," which we found hard-wired in the wsftp source code.
Any chance "secp521r1" contains a typo? Like 521 should be 512?
-- Regards, Gord Tomlin Action Software International (a division of Mazda Computer Corporation) Tel: (905) 470-7113, Fax: (905) 470-6507 Support: https://actionsoftware.com/support/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN