I have a situation I do not understand. We use the SNAP facility of our EMC 
software to make point in time backups
of our volumes. After all of the source volumes have been snapped to the BCP 
volumes, we run ADRDSSU full volume
backups of the BCP volumes. ADRDSSU is invoked via another program, which 
supplies the input DASD volume,
output tape, and DUMP FULL command.

OK, that is not the mystery. The mystery is when I attempt to restore a VSAM 
dataset. If I do a dataset restore and
specify the cluster name, I get no dataset found. If I do a dataset 
include(**), using the PARM='TYPRUN=NORUN,
no VSAM datasets are listed. However, if I do a full volume restore, using the 
same input dump dataset, I see the
VSAM datasets on the output volume. Also, I used IEBGENER to dump the contents 
of the ADRDSSU dump dataset,
and I can see the VSAM dataset VTOC entries and the contents of the VSAM 

If I restore non-VSAM datasets, that works. It is only on VSAM datasets, that I 
get dataset not found. I have tried
several variations of RESTORE commands, such as using the LOGICALVOLUME and 
ADMIN keywords. That does
not make any difference.

Can anyone suggest a solution and/or explanation? Thanks in advance.

"Confidentially doc, I am the wabbit."

Bugs Bunny

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