W dniu 21.01.2025 o 17:51, Paul Gilmartin pisze:
On Tue, 21 Jan 2025 16:19:46 +0000, Jerry Whitteridge wrote:

Yes absolutely ! FTP to external sites is strictly controlled.

Is the concern with the intrinsic weakness of FTP? would FTPS
(AT/T:S) be better?  Does cbttape.org support those?

If the concern is malware infiltration, curl, HTTPS, and IND$FILE
from a desktop waystation are all suspect.

Not mentioning the reasons or rationales, the FTP traffic in/out company is forbidden. More: all contemporary web browsers dropped support for ftp. So any ftp://... link on webpage stopped working. No, there is no support for ftps or sftp instead. The same for Windows ftp client - only basic ftp. Of course there are other, free and good ftp clients (and servers) like Filezilla. But it is not an option for corpo PC where you're not allowed to install even a software from whitelist and any other software product need to be approved first.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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