On Monday Jan 13th I completed a Receive Order for OSMF, that ultimately failed for lack of space in the SMPPTS. I fixed that issue. On Tuesday I tried to rerun the Receive Job, but quickly received an error message I've not seen before. I can't tell if that is an error on my side or the IBM server side. I tried rerunning today and still receive this error.
RECEIVE ORDER( ORDERSERVER(ORDRINFO) CLIENT(CLNTINFO) CONTENT(ALL) WAIT(NOLIMIT)) FORFMID( HSMA25A HSMA25E) DELETEPKG. GIM68700I ORDER ORD00014 HAS BEEN SENT TO THE SERVER AT https://eccgw01.boulder.ibm.com/services/projects/ecc/ws/. GIM69192S ** RECEIVE PROCESSING HAS FAILED FOR ORDER ORD00014. AN ERROR WAS FOUND IN THE RESPONSE RECEIVED FROM THE SERVER AT https://eccgw01.boulder.ibm.com/services/projects/ecc/ws/ WHEN PROCESSING ORDER ORD00014 WITH ORDERID H09421646. GIM69226I faultcode = Server.Processing. GIM69226I faultstring = com.ibm.ecc.protocol.ServerProcessing. GIM69226I description = Sorry, Fix Service Provider is having problems: For input string:"". GIM20501I RECEIVE PROCESSING IS COMPLETE. THE HIGHEST RETURN CODE WAS 12. -- The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent Mainline’s positions or opinions Mark D Pace Senior Systems Engineer Mainline Information Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN