“Don’t anthropomorphise computers; They don’t like it.” 😊

(Oldie but goodie)

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> on behalf of Bob 
Bridges <00000587168ababf-dmarc-requ...@listserv.ua.edu>
Date: Wednesday, 15 January 2025 at 11:38
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: AI makes stuff up
Maybe waxing too philosophical for this listserv, but I don't think it's fair 
to use words like "lazy" for any AI - any words, in fact, that have a moral 
judgement attached.  AIs, being just machines, do what they do.  If Saddam 
Hussein drops a political opponent in the wood chipper, no one thinks the wood 
chipper was evil for doing what it was designed to do, nor (in my opinion) is 
the inventor of the wood chipper a villain.

It isn't clear to me how an AI COULD consider whether its information is, for 
example, truthful.  The lawyer who asked the AI for a legal brief got what the 
AI thought looked like a legal brief; the fact that some or all of the 
precedents weren't real didn't figure into its goals.

And by the way, Rob, I know you didn't mean anything much by "lazy" - probably 
just the first word that came to you.  I'm just springboarding into a topic 
much on my mind recently.

Bob Bridges, robhbrid...@gmail.com, cell 336 382-7313

/* D'you call life a bad job?  Never!  We've had our ups and downs, we've had 
our struggles, we've always been poor, but it's been worth it, ay, worth it a 
hundred times I say when I look 'round at my children.  -from _Of Human 
Bondage_ by W Somerset Maugham */

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of Rob 
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2025 19:30

It is all about the prompting to prevent the AI from being lazy and making 
things up or mixing things up.  I think it would be less of an issue the more 
examples that were consumed by the AI during training.

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