>lun. 03 févr. 2025 at 08:16, Carlo Ascani via <help-guix@gnu.org> wrote:

> - How easy is it to install older versions of packages? [2]

Have a look at the time-machine mechanism [1]. For example, with

   guix time-machine --channels=channels.scm -- package -p $GUIX_PROFILE -m 

You’ll be able to install in a profile (or a shell, or create docker
container, etc.) the software in manifest.scm. The channels.scm defines
where you’ll find the package definitions (repository and revision) .

Simply put, current guix asks an older guix (given by its revision), to
install something it knows about. Current guix would install erlang
27.2.1, whereas the older guix installs erlang 22.

As for the substitutes (precompiled binaries), following how old is the
software you’re trying to install, it might be available or not. If not,
guix produced locally the binaries, which might take a while.

Hope it is clear,


Cayetano Santos
GnuPG Key:   https://meta.sr.ht/~csantosb.pgp
FingerPrint: CCB8 1842 F9D7 058E CD67 377A BF5C DF4D F6BF 6682

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