Thank you Felix for the deep answers, at times a bit too deep for me.

I am under impression, that I should be fine with this workflow:
1. reconfigure filesystem layout;
2. shut down the system;
3. copy the data to the new physical location;
4. boot the new generation.
Is this correct?

23.01.2025 19:47:50 CET Felix Lechner:
> > suppose that I define a new filesystem for `/gnu/store` on another
> > SSD.
> That's a special case, i.e. the caveat from above, that requires great
> care.  Not all filesystem paths are created equal.  Even experienced
> Guixers pull their hair over it.
> I would start with /home or /efi.

Yes, I must not forget that it is very strongly coupled to the init system, so 
maybe not after all. I can see a layout where the root partition is mostly 
dedicated to `/gnu/store` and everything else possible is on other drives.

Also, thanks for confirming my fears about BTRFS. In short, I am looking to 
build the integrity assurance in a structure separate from actual filesystem 
(was thinking of LVM-like concept). I will take a look at Mdadm.

Guix Community Member,
Marek Pasnikowski

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