> Well, the good news is that /var/log/messages contains an error
> message that the ALW page you cite suggests a solution for.  The bad
> news is that the solution is "remove all power sources to force the
> device to reload the firmware".  This box is a laptop, and it doesn't
> look like disconnecting the battery is going to be any straightforward
> operation. Unless: the Bluetooth controller I'm trying to use is a USB
> dongle, can I achieve the same effect by just pulling it out of the
> USB port?

It's difficult to say for certain. But somehow I think you did try
replugging the usb dongle as a troubleshooting step? If not, that would
be a one thing to try to fix the issue.

The thing is, It's not exactly clear to me if the firmware is loaded or
not and I'm a bit out of scope at this point. One interesting thing I've
read some time ago and it might be of use here, was that you can force a
cold-boot (Should have the same effect as with waiting a bit without
power completely) by editing kernel parameters.


 reboot=         [KNL]
                        Format (x86 or x86_64):
                                [w[arm] | c[old] | h[ard] | s[oft] | g[pio]] | 
d[efault] \
                                [[,]s[mp]#### \
                                [[,]b[ios] | a[cpi] | k[bd] | t[riple] | e[fi] 
| p[ci]] \
                        Where reboot_mode is one of warm (soft) or cold (hard) 
or gpio
                                        (prefix with 'panic_' to set mode for 
                                        reboot only),
                              reboot_type is one of bios, acpi, kbd, triple, 
efi, or pci,
                              reboot_force is either force or not specified,
                              reboot_cpu is s[mp]#### with #### being the 
                                        to be used for rebooting.


And if I'm not wrong (would love some input from others who edited their
kernel command-line arguments) it should be possible to do with:


Example for how kernel-arguments is used:


Also it might be possible that during startup of pc, there is a way to
also for the time being use one or another parameter.

Hope that helps,

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