Oleander via <help-guix@gnu.org> writes:

How do you start EXWM automatically on tty login (without a display manager)...

Guix seems to have some unique difficulties with `startx', which I don’t fully understand, but I’ve seen several folks in #guix struggling with it. I use the default gdm display manager.

...enable audio...

I’ve never had to do anything special, I log in, there’s sound. EMMS has a facility to control the volume, which I use. If I need more advanced sound stuff, I use pavucontrol.

...adjust brightness...

You can use the emacs-blight package (which I’m the author of) for this. You’ll need to add your user to the `video' group.

...and what packages are required for a complete Xorg installation?

I’m not sure what the package list is for this, but I think the question is kind of vague. I recommend installing the packages you want to use -- a complete installation will just waste disk space if you’re not using everything.

 — Ian

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