
On Thu, Dec 28 2023, Clément Lassieur wrote:

> You can check https://coveryourtracks.eff.org to see if browser
> settings make you unique.

I personally would be cautious with EFF going forward.

For over thirty years, EFF has meant a lot to me. That changed on
November 16, when I received a survey invite entitled "Help shape the
future of digital rights - participate in our community survey."

To my surprise, the questions were very personal. EFF asked for my age,
race, religion, gender identity, level of education, married status,
number of childen, and "all forms of income" including interest.

None of the items except gender identity offered a non-pushy option like
"prefer not to say."

By page 2 of 6, I found myself unwilling to complete the survey. Had I
fallen prey to a phishing attempt?

My confusion grew further when I noticed that I was on the website
forms.office.com. Would EFF really outsource the collection of my
personal data to Microsoft?

Appalled, I wrote to EFF.

Someone responded by stating that "Your Microsoft Forms survey
submission to us, should you choose to complete one, is not tied to a
unique identifier other than numbering your response. The data is
encrypted at rest by a key we control and Microsoft does not have access

Looking at my browser's address bar, I noticed that the survey URL
appeared to include a personalized identifier in the parameters.

The message continued "Any personal data you share is protected in
keeping with our privacy policy (eff.org/policy) and Microsoft's service
agreement (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/servicesagreement)."

About five weeks later, I received a donation drive from the membership
department. It hit all the comfortable and familiar tunes that my
"rights need protection" and that "EFF is not messing around." They
assured me that "EFF has one guiding star: your freedom as a tech user."

I copied that message in below so everyone can see.

Then I cut all ties to EFF and unsubscribed from all their

Kind regards,

* * *

Subject: EFF has a guiding star 🌠
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2023 13:28:22 +0000

This is a friendly message from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. 

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EFF - Electronic Frontier Foundation


Dear Supporter of Digital Freedom,

Do you ever look at something once and then get targeted ads? Have you ever 
been exposed in some company’s data
breach? Ever heard a lawmaker push restrictions on tech they don’t understand?

To live in the modern world is to interact with technology in ways that are 
wonderful—and others that are an
absolute pain in the butt. It's not fair to trade in your dignity or safety, 
and that’s why people like you stand
with the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Will you keep EFF fighting and boost 
us up in our Year-End Challenge?

GIVE TODAY! https://eff.org/r.ktyq

Make ANY donation by December 31 and you’ll help unlock bonus grants! Every 
supporter gets us closer to a series of
seven Year-End Challenge grants set by EFF’s board. These grants become larger 
as the number of online rights
supporters grows. See the counter.

*EFF is Not Messing Around*

Tech touches nearly every aspect of the world, and your rights need protection. 
Recently, EFF members enabled our
team to:

- Speak out at the United Nations Cybercrime Treaty negotiations to stop the 
countries of the world from agreeing to
undermine our digital rights.
- Work on multiple court cases that likely inspired a federal judge to rule 
that cell phone searches at the U.S.
border require a warrant.
- Call out proposals across the globe that would sacrifice your speech and 
security under the pretense of protecting
- Spell out the dangers of automated license plate readers (ALPRs), leading 
California’s Attorney General to declare
that it’s illegal to share this data out-of-state.
- Lobby to end Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act to stop the FBI and NSA’s 
massive access to our communications
without a warrant.

EFF has one guiding star: your freedom as a tech user. You can help EFF’s 
lawyers, activists, policy analysts, and
technologists keep advancing toward a brighter future for everybody.

Donate to support digital rights today and you’ll help EFF unlock bonus grants 
before the year ends:

For your freedom online,

Aaron Jue
EFF Membership Team

P.S. We’re celebrating TEN YEARS of top ratings from the nonprofit watchdog 
Charity Navigator! EFF is a
member-supported U.S. 501(c)(3) organization and your donation is 
tax-deductible as allowed by law. You can even
start a convenient monthly donation at https://eff.org/r.n4sf

Activism | Impact Litigation | Technology

Donate Now: https://eff.org/r.ktyq

About EFF

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading nonprofit defending online 
civil liberties. We promote digital
innovation, defend free speech, fight illegal surveillance, and protect rights 
and freedoms for all as our use of
technology grows. Find out more at https://eff.org

This message is printed from 100% recycled electrons.
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Unsubscribe from all mail [2] or change your email preferences [3]

815 Eddy Street
San Francisco, CA 94109-7701
United States

[1] https://www.eff.org/policy

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