> Hi,
> has anyone ever got this error when trying to start wpa_cli?
> "Could not connect to wpa_supplicant: (nil) - re-trying"

Hi there.  Although I don't actually use wpa_cli on Guix, I'll try to

In your config file, you have:

> ctrl_interface=/run/wpa_supplicant

IIUC, wpa_cli has the default ctrl socket path set to
/var/run/wpa_supplicant.  If you run it as

    wpa_cli -p/run/wpa_supplicant

does it work?  You might also try changing the socket path in your
config file.

Besides, you have this line in your system config

> (config-file "/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf")

While this might work, the recommended practice in Guix is not to
write/modify configuration files under /etc.  Instead, you can supply
the contents of that file through the system configuration itself :)

Assuming you're keeping your system.scm in
~/proj/my-guix-system-config/, you can write your wpa_supplicant
configuration as ~/proj/my-guix-system-config/wpa_supplicant.conf and
modify the aforementioned line to

> (config-file (local-file "./wpa_supplicant.conf"))

Then, reconfigure normally with

    sudo guix system reconfigure ~/proj/my-guix-system-config/system.scm

This way Guix will put the wpa_supplicant config somewhere under
/gnu/store and tell wpa_supplicant daemon to use it.

I know it might seem weird but this weirdness — among others — enables
up to easily reinstantiate the system on another computer if need

As an explanation, the `config-file` field accepts a "file-like"
object.  A file-like object is a concept related to G-expressions.  You
might want to read more about them in the manual[1].  There's also a
Guix blog post explaining G-expressions if you prefer[2].

Best :)

[1] https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/G_002dExpressions.html
[2] https://guix.gnu.org/blog/2023/dissecting-guix-part-3-g-expressions/

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On Fri, 22 Dec 2023 21:23:10 +0000 Oleander via <help-guix@gnu.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> has anyone ever got this error when trying to start wpa_cli?
> "Could not connect to wpa_supplicant: (nil) - re-trying"
> My /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf:
> @example
> ctrl_interface=/run/wpa_supplicant
> ctrl_interface_group=wheel
> update_config=1
> network={
> ssid="my-ssid"
> key_mgmt=WPA-PSK
> psk="mypasswd"
> }
> @end example
> the wpa supplicant service in my system.scm:
> @example
> (service wpa-supplicant-service-type
> (wpa-supplicant-configuration
> (config-file "/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf")
> (interface "wlp1s0")))
> @end example
> After reconfiguring wpa supplicant is started and can connect to the 
> specified network but I can't run wpa_cli.
> Thank you

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