
What does the output of the command: ssh-add -L show? Are the keys
represented by the agent?

On 2023-10-05, 09:18 -0700, Caleb Herbert <c...@bluehome.net> wrote:

> Guix System.
> In home-configuration.scm:
> (service home-gpg-agent-service-type
>                 (home-gpg-agent-configuration
>                  (pinentry-program
>                   (file-append pinentry-gnome3 "/bin/pinentry"))
>                  (ssh-support? #t)))
> caleb@bender ~$ ssh c...@tty.sdf.org
> c...@tty.sdf.org's password: 
> This shouldn't happen. Pinentry should come up and ask me for my GPG password.
> gpg-agent.conf looks normal.
> caleb@bender ~$ cat /home/caleb/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf 
> pinentry-program 
> /gnu/store/6rlqjdc9ginn4gnkwg8mhqwm015phhrm-pinentry-gnome3-1.2.1/bin/pinentry
> default-cache-ttl 600
> max-cache-ttl 7200
> default-cache-ttl-ssh 1800
> max-cache-ttl-ssh 7200
> caleb@bender ~$

gpg-agent.conf LGTM, except for the lack of enable-ssh-support.
But sheperd runs gpg with the --enable-ssh-support option.

Best regards,
Aleksandr Vityazev

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