Ott Joon <> skribis:

> Hey
> Tried the same thing in VLC and it freezes on GPU accel and starts leaking 
> memory while also becoming hard to kill.
> Maybe this also explains why some mpv GPU accel settings don't work also in 
> the exact same way.
> I have an AMD RX 6900 XT on this machine.
> I could probably try this on the laptop with Intel and the unmentionable 
> video devices.
> PS: Might need to switch to a traditional email service or get my own up and 
> running. Tutanota is just no good for this mailing list stuff.
> Ott

It looks like an issue with the shader cache of mesa.
After clearing it, I don't see the memory leak anymore.

Could you try doing a "rm -r $HOME/.cache/mesa_shader_cache/*" and see
if it also solves the issue for you?

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