As many french people i try to use Bépo layout on my keyboard (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%89PO ) to prevent "Repetitive Strain
But if Bépo is great to write text, this is not the case for programming
or writing english.
I discover that a variant of Bépo dedicated to correct these problems
exist and work very well on many keyboards layout (ortholinear, hhkb,
ergo, etc.). This variant of Bépo is named "Optimot" :
This very specific layout is not listed in setxkbmap configuration
options, so i search some way to load this layout from my home config.scm
With help of guix/bépo guys I found a xkb layout generator
(https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/whot/xkblayout) already packaged into
guix. This tools is named xkb-layout/xkblayout, developped by Peter
) and it helps the definition of a user defined xkb layout by using the
existing xkb integration of the system. So using that i suppose i could
load an "Optimot" layout for Gnome.
The package is here : /gnu/packages/xdisorg.scm , and more precisely
here :
How i could link/load the xkb layout generated by xkblayout into my guix
home "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xkb" using the Guix system of keyboard described
here https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/Keyboard-Layout.html ?
is it only possible ? Do you have some pointers on your config to do that ?
Bonus : it's seems that works on wayland.