
thanks very much for your help.

When I was opening that profile I used musescore, I had to close it
and then open audacity and so on.
It seems to me I can’t open several packages at once.
Or I don’t know how to do it, if possible.

Sorry, this was my mistake.

the terminal doesn’t show the "prompt" (I don’t know how it is called)
gfp@Tuxedo ~ after opening one package
only if I enlarge the terminal, than it shows up.
Two ways that you can do it:
1) With two terminals:
    1. In the first one run:
       $ source ~/Projekte/Musik/guix-profil/etc/profile;
       $ mscore;
    2. In the the second terminal run:
       $ source ~/Projekte/Musik/guix-profil/etc/profile;
       $ vlc;

2) With one terminal:
       Run the first, (or all commands) in the background, so that the
       shell directly prompts you for the next command:
       $ source ~/Projekte/Musik/guix-profil/etc/profile;
       $ mscore &
       $ vlc &

with the first and second possibility you mentioned
I can open several packages, which is good.

But it opened Musescore 4.0.2, which shouldn’t.
and I don’t understand why.

and there are loads of messages:
gfp@Tuxedo ~$ guix shell -p ~/Projekte/Musik/guix-profil
gfp@Tuxedo ~ [env]$ mscore &
[1] 5761
gfp@Tuxedo ~ [env]$ ZoomBox::setLogicalZoom(): Formatting logical zoom level as 
100% (rounded from 1.000000)
ZoomBox::setLogicalZoom(): Formatting logical zoom level as 100% (rounded from 
qrc:/qml/palettes/PaletteTree.qml:772:5: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo 
properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function 
onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
qrc:/qml/palettes/Palette.qml:766:13: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo 
properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function 
onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
qrc:/qml/palettes/Palette.qml:766:13: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo 
properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function 
onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
qrc:/qml/palettes/Palette.qml:766:13: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo 
properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function 
onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
ScoreFont::draw: invalid sym 0

I don’t know what to do with them.

with the command:
gfp@Tuxedo ~$ guix shell -p ~/Projekte/Musik/guix-profil

it opened Musescore 3.6.2 which I want, and that is in that manifest installed.

But with this command there are messages:

gfp@Tuxedo ~ [env]$ ZoomBox::setLogicalZoom(): Formatting logical zoom level as 
100% (rounded from 1.000000)
ZoomBox::setLogicalZoom(): Formatting logical zoom level as 100% (rounded from 
qrc:/qml/palettes/PaletteTree.qml:772:5: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo 
properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function 
onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
qrc:/qml/palettes/Palette.qml:766:13: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo 
properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function 
onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
qrc:/qml/palettes/Palette.qml:766:13: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo 
properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function 
onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
ScoreFont::draw: invalid sym 0

I don’t know what that means.
What would be the difference to have several profiles in my main profile
without haveing guix home,

What do you mean by having several profiles in your main profile?
AFAIK there is no way to put one profile inside another.
Do you mean several packages in one profile?

I didn’t know how to call it.
I meant by "main profile" the profile which I had in the beginning after installing Guix.
before I created other profiles.
How do you call it?
my "dot profiles"?

gfp@Tuxedo ~$ guix package --list-profiles

to hack on Guix is quite difficult without having studied

kind regards


Am 26.03.23 um 20:36 schrieb Martin Castillo:

Am 26.03.23 um 15:07 schrieb Gottfried:
thank you very much for your help.

I am learning day by day how to use Guix.

I understood till now that creating manifests mean several packages in one manifest, like in my music profile: ardour, audacity, audacious, musescore.

You mean `in one profile`? Correct.

When I was opening that profile I used musescore, I had to close it and then open audacity and so on.
It seems to me I can’t open several packages at once.
Or I don’t know how to do it, if possible.

That's weird. What happens if you try to run a second program from the profile while the first one is still running?

Two ways that you can do it:
1) With two terminals:
    1. In the first one run:
       $ source ~/Projekte/Musik/guix-profil/etc/profile;
       $ mscore;
    2. In the the second terminal run:
       $ source ~/Projekte/Musik/guix-profil/etc/profile;
       $ vlc;

2) With one terminal:
       Run the first, (or all commands) in the background, so that the
       shell directly prompts you for the next command:
       $ source ~/Projekte/Musik/guix-profil/etc/profile;
       $ mscore &
       $ vlc &

Now I realised that to create a manifest means one package, only musescore, or only emacs with all its emacs packages.

No, that's not always right. The manifest you posted in this thread contains multiple packages and you created a profile with all those packages.

Then upgrading the manifest/one profile
would not be a problem.

There can be multiple packages be in one profile, created by one manifest, and using this command it should be no problem to update all packages, but keeping musescore at version 3:
 >> guix package -m /home/gfp/Projekte/Musik/musik.scm --profile
 >> /home/gfp/Projekte/Musik/guix-profil

What would be the difference to have several profiles in my main profile
without haveing guix home,

What do you mean by having several profiles in your main profile?
AFAIK there is no way to put one profile inside another.
Do you mean several packages in one profile?

or to have several profiles in Guix home?

I never used guix home. I cannot answer that.

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