Hi Bruno, hi Remco, Thank you very much for your suggestions!
Remco van 't Veer <re...@remworks.net> [2023-02-11T12:46:35+0100]: > 2023/02/10 23:40, Sergiu Ivanov: >> >> Could someone point me to an example of how I should update >> my configuration? > > In the guix manual I found this: > > > https://guix.gnu.org/en/manual/devel/en/html_node/Service-Reference.html#index-hosts_002dservice_002dtype > > So instead of using (hosts-file ..) you'll have to use > (hosts-service-type ..) instead, as you already mentioned. You'll end > up with something like to following: > > (operating-system > ;; ... > > (essential-services > (modify-services > (operating-system-default-essential-services this-operating-system) > (hosts-service-type config => > (cons* (host "some.ip.address.1" "machine1") > (host "some.other.ip.address" "machine2") > (local-host-entries host-name))))) > > ;; ... Oh, thank you very much for the specific solution! It worked for me flawlessly. Actually, where did you get local-host-entries from? The documentation page you and Bruno cite doesn't seem to ever mention this function :O Unless I am looking at some old version of the docs. > Also, I agree the documentation needs some love here. I am willing to contribute. What would be the best place to do changes to the documentation? I would follow this mini-roadmap: 1. Add the explanation of local-host-entries to https://guix.gnu.org/en/manual/devel/en/html_node/Service-Reference.html#index-hosts_002dservice_002dtype 2. Say here https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/operating_002dsystem-Reference.html that hosts-file is deprecated. 3. Update the examples here to use hosts-service-type instead of hosts-file: https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/guix.html What do you think? I've never submitted a patch to Guix docs before, so all suggestions and hints are welcome :-) - Sergiu