> > So the true question is how to implement?  If using Shell script  
> Using shell scripts would mean one script per command? I usually 
> have a set of commands that I would like to be able to run for 
> every project. I would like to minimize the number of extra files 
> in my project directory, so I would lean towards your Scheme API 
> option.

There's nothing that stops a shell script from exposing multiple
commands. Consider for example the SysV init scripts. They typically
utilize the `case` statement to support commands like "start", "stop",
"status", etc.

So you could craft a solution where from the root of your project you
can run `./my-script.sh command1`, `./my-script.sh command2`, etc.

Also, you mentioned you "would like to minimize the number of extra
files" in your "project directory". Does that mean you don't actually
mind creating more files in a *subdirectory* thereof? If you don't, how
about putting command scripts under, say, `my-scripts/` and running
them as `my-scripts/command1.sh`, `my-scripts/command2.sh`, etc.?


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fingerprint: E972 7060 E3C5 637C 8A4F  4B42 4BC5 221C 5A79 FD1A

Meet Kraków saints!           #25: blessed Maksymilian Binkiewicz
Poznaj świętych krakowskich!  #25: błogosławiony Maksymilian Binkiewicz
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On Mon, 12 Dec 2022 12:55:39 -0500
Peter Polidoro <pe...@polidoro.io> wrote:

> zimoun <zimon.touto...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Because calling “guix serial-shell PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0” or
> > “guix-serial-shell PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0” is almost identical. :-)  
> Yes good point.
> >
> > So the true question is how to implement?  If using Shell script  
> Using shell scripts would mean one script per command? I usually 
> have a set of commands that I would like to be able to run for 
> every project. I would like to minimize the number of extra files 
> in my project directory, so I would lean towards your Scheme API 
> option.
> > From my point of view, in this case, maybe an extension is a 
> > heavy
> > solution when a quick script would just smooth the workflow.  
> Maybe it is too heavy a solution, but I do like the idea of just 
> needing the channels.scm, the guix.scm, and maybe a Makefile for 
> people who do not use guix. Or am I wrong and I would need more 
> files than that?
> I also like that a user could find information about the project 
> commands using guix help. Can command extensions be grouped into a 
> single sub-command so I would not feel like I am polluting the 
> guix command namespace? Like could I run something like "guix 
> project serial-shell PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0" or "guix project help" to 
> get the set of project-specific commands that I added as 
> extensions?
> Is there some sort of extension bootstrap process where you run an 
> intial command in the project directory every session to add the 
> extensions, then the extensions are available for future commands?

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