2022-05-16 20:51 si...@netpanic.org:

I've been trying to pass options to certain modules at boot like this:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(simple-service 'thinkpad-acpi etc-service-type
                (list `("modprobe.d/thinkpad.conf"
                        ,(plain-file "thinkpad.conf"
"options thinkpad_acpi fan_control=1\n")))) --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

This seems all okay and the store item is properly linked to /etc/modprobe.d. The only problem though is that this parameter is not passed to the module. Thus fan_control is not enabled.

I'm running into the same problem! I guess we should report this as bug?

Manually passing this parameter via modprobe in the command line is fine.

Consing "thinkpad_acpi.fan_control=1" to kernel-arguments works too.

Thanks for this workaround :)

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