On 11/19/22 08:52, Philip McGrath wrote:

On Sat, Nov 19, 2022, at 7:55 AM, Wojtek Kosior via wrote:
Is there a translation programm in Guix, you can use for offline
If you want to edit translation files in .po file format (as used by
Guix), I prefer https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/PoMode that gets
mentioned in the Guix manual. Alternatively there exist other programs
for PO files, like GNOME Translation Editor (“guix install
I think Francis is talking about something more like a combination of Google 
translation and bilingual dictionaries?

If that's the case, I don't know of any options...
Neither do I know any particularly good tool. There was some work on
libre machine-learning-based translation engines, but the last time I
checked, none of them was actually usable to me - none supported Polish
and all had deps that were not available from APT (I was not yet using
Guix at that time).

On these lines, the best option I’m aware of is the relatively new Mozilla 
Translate: https://github.com/mozilla/translate

I don’t think it’s been packaged for Guix yet, but I don’t know of any reason 
why it couldn’t be. The front-end demonstrated at 
https://mozilla.github.io/translate downloads language support files on-demand, 
but I think it could be patched to also package the models. Language support is 
not comprehensive, but it does include Polish.

Some of the underlying work is grouped under the Bergamot project: 
https://browser.mt Much of the substantive source code seems to be at: 
https://github.com/browsermt/bergamot-translator I think it would be easy (but 
I haven’t tried) to write a front-end in GTK, Qt, or similar instead of the 
HTML+JS front-end.


Another option is libretranslate. There's a web version, and the source code is FOSS and suitable for Guix IMO.



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