Luis Felipe <> writes:

> I've been using Emacs Elpy as my Python IDE for a long time now, but
> it's been failing to work properly for a while (currently,
> autocompletion doesn't work; before that linting was not working).

I also experience problems with autocompletion at the moment. I’m
considering to switch back from company to auto-complete-mode, but I shy
away from the re-configuration effort at the moment.

> What do you use to program in Python? Is the IDE you use dependable or does 
> it present these kinds of frequent problems too?

I always use Emacs for Python, just python-mode with pyflakes via
flycheck. But I’m only doing small stuff in Emacs (having switched to
Guile Scheme/Wisp for my hobby stuff).

I have not checked lsp for Python. My experience with lsp for Javascript
is that they are a bit sluggish — I prefer an Emacs native solution
where it exists.

Example for that (though other language): Working with js2-mode+eslint
via flycheck is superior to lsp/tide-mode in my opinion. I feel the
difference, because I’m in a codebase transitioning to Typescript, and
the user experience in plain Javascript with js2-mode is better. lsp has
more bells and whistles, but js2-mode is precise and instantly at my

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein,
ohne es zu merken.

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