Hi Guixers

I'm trying to package chroma [1] here [2]. Inside the source the `//go:embed` preprocessor is used which does not support symbolic links. But all source code is symbolicly linked into the build directory, therefore the build is failing at this point. How can I copy all files from directory [3] instead of symbolicly linking them? I already tried replacing the symbolic link with a canonical path, but `//go:embed` expects all files to be in the source directory, so copy is the only option.

Thanks for any help.

Cheers Reza

[1] https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma
[2] https://pastebin.com/NwaxfhJS
[3] https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma/tree/master/lexers/embedded
Reza Housseini

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