Le Sat, 11 Dec 2021 16:49:35 -0600,
Caleb Herbert <c...@bluehome.net> a écrit :

> I would like Guix stickers and pins!

Hi everyone!

I have a few leftover stickers from Fosdem 2019, see attached picture.
Since they were meant to be distributed to folks at Fosdem, I'm
offering them for free. I can mail some of them to anyone interested if
you tell me which color you like and how much you want (don't ask for
too much, I only have 9 with white background and 7 with black
background). Send me your address and a promise to reimburse the stamp
price. I can also include an OSM France sticker if you're interested :)

Note that I'm not selling the stickers, I'm just proposing to send a
few to people who are interested. If you feel bad about asking for free
stickers, then you can also make a donation to Guix (via the FSF) or
Guix Europe.

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