Hi. Em [2021-01-15 sex 19:17:41+0100], dario escreveu:
> I don't know the answer to your question and you are probably aware of > that option, but I just wanted to mention that you could consider > switching to mbsync, which (I think) also has better performance than > offlineimap. It's a bit annoying to migrate the configuration, but it > does not require that much time (I made that switch some time ago). Continuing in OfflineIMAP would have the advantage of not having to redownload 1.6GB of email, but I thank you for the recommendation. In fact, a few minutes ago I have asked for mail fetcher recommendations on the notmuch mailing list. I want to hear many recommendations and make a final decision. I will take into account yours and any others I receive in this thread. Regards -- - <https://jorgemorais.gitlab.io/justice-for-rms/> - If an email of mine arrives at your spam box, please notify me. - Please adopt free/libre formats like PDF, ODF, Org, LaTeX, Opus, WebM and 7z. - Free/libre software for Replicant, LineageOS and Android: https://f-droid.org - [[https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html][What is free software?]]