
On Thu, 22 Oct 2020 at 11:10, Reza Alizadeh Majd <> wrote:

> working with guix environments, we can pass list of packages, using a
> manifest file. we also can use --ad-hoc switch for additional packages
> we need to add to the prepared environment.
> it would also be great to be able to pass list of ad-hoc packages,
> using a manifest file, something like --ad-hoc-manifest switch. or
> maybe there is such option already available that I missed.

>From my understanding, as Ricardo said, the command:

   guix environment -m my-manifest.scm

is equivalent to:

  guix environment --ad-hoc pkg1 pkg2 pkg3

And moreover, you can also do:

  guix environment -m my-manifest.scm --ad-hoc my-package

What could be missing is to pass a manifest file and provide all the
required packages used to build all the packages listed in the
manifest.  Other said, there is no equivalent at the manifest level

  guix environment pkg1 pkg2 pkg3

or even this:

   guix environment pkg1 pkg2 pkg3 --ad-hoc pkg4 pkg5 pkg6

To be clear, it is possible but the API is not straightforward.

Is it what you mean?

Hope that helps,

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