Dnia 2020-07-28, o godz. 12:03:26
Tirifto <tiri...@posteo.cz> napisał(a):

> Hello!

> I’m running Guix on Parabola and I’ve installed Jami through it. When
> I try to run it, the welcome window appears, but pops up a message
> saying it couldn’t connect to the Jami daemon (dring). Running from
> the command line, the following message is spammed:
I don't really know why, but I had no luck running Jami on external
You can try running the daemon manually:
1. get the path to libring by running "guix build libring"
2. You are going to get something like this, copy and paste it to a
3. Add "/lib/ring/dring" at the end:
4. Run it.

Then your client should be able to connect to the daemon.

> Regards
> // Tirifto

If anyone has any idea why Jami doesn't start on external
distributions, please tell me.

Jan Wielkiewicz

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