Hi, Thought I should try letting guix handle the emacs packages. And overall it worked out great. But encounter some minor issues along the way, so I thought I should ask.
1) The manual mention that packages installed via guix will be picked up by emacs from the EMACSLOADPATH which is set when emacs is installed. That was not the case for me. I needed to manually set: export EMACSLOADPATH=$GUIX_PROFILE/share/emacs/site-lisp:$EMACSLOADPATH for it to work. I'm running guix on a foreign distro and I'm using emacs-next. Is one of those the reason for it? 2) Not all packages I use in emacs are packaged up in guix (yet). And some did not work properly for me. So I still need to rely on emacs to install some of the packages. The issue is, that it doesn't seem that emacs knows about the packages installed via guix when it comes to installing packages. Even though it can load them just fine. For example emacs-dash which I have installed via my manifest but is also one that gets installed by emacs. If I run emacs -Q and then M-x describe-package dash. It gives me Package dash is dependency. Status: Installed in ‘dash-20200426.2244/’ (unsigned). Version: 20200426.2244 Summary: A modern list library for Emacs Required by: ts-20191010.210, org-super-agenda-20200310.1337, magit-20200522.1028, ht-20200217.2331, git-commit-20200516.2016 Keywords: lists Maintainer: Magnar Sveen <magn...@gmail.com> Author: Magnar Sveen <magn...@gmail.com> Other versions: 20200426.2244 (melpa), 2.17.0 (melpa-stable), 2.12.0 (gnu). If I remove my elpa directory in my user-emacs-directory where emacs installs the packages. It wont find dash when I do describe-package. But if I run (require 'dash) it will find and load dash. Unsetting EMACSLOADPATH and it will fail to find dash. Is this the expected behavior? From what I can tell from reading the manual [1], external packages must be listed in `package-directory-list` and have the same layout as the one installed in elpa. Which is not the case when installing via guix, as everything is symlinked to $GUIX_PROFILE/share/emacs/site-lisp. I hope this isn't too much off topic and apologize if any of this has been asked before (I couldn't find the answer when searching the mailing list archive). Thanks 1: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Package-Files.html#Package-Files -- s/Fred[re]+i[ck]+/Fredrik/g
(use-package-modules fonts emacs emacs-xyz cmake finance shellutils haskell-apps) (packages->manifest (list font-hack glibc-locales emacs-next emacs-s emacs-dash emacs-company emacs-yasnippet emacs-highlight-symbol emacs-haskell-mode emacs-smartparens emacs-jinja2-mode emacs-rust-mode emacs-go-mode emacs-cmake-mode emacs-geiser emacs-toml-mode emacs-yaml-mode emacs-json-mode emacs-markdown-mode emacs-julia-mode emacs-systemd-mode emacs-lua-mode emacs-ledger-mode emacs-gnuplot emacs-magit emacs-transient emacs-ag emacs-pdf-tools emacs-telega emacs-vterm emacs-libmpdel emacs-mpdel emacs-nginx-mode emacs-org emacs-emms emacs-ivy emacs-wgrep emacs-tramp emacs-sudo-edit emacs-evil emacs-emojify emacs-rainbow-mode emacs-move-text emacs-expand-region emacs-multiple-cursors emacs-string-inflection emacs-nov-el emacs-guix emacs-lsp-mode emacs-eglot emacs-direnv ;; External tools used by emacs direnv shellcheck ))