Hi Pierre,

>>  2. Building binaries with SBCL takes more heap space than merely
>>     loading a system from source via ASDF.
> I think probably not.  However there are different ASDF operation.  In the
> Guix build system we use "program-op" which does not behave like the
> default operation when loading a package.  This could be a factor here.

Worth testing, if only to have a non-Guix way to illustrate the issue
for reporting upstream if necessary.

Is there a way to get the exact ASD file plus command line that is used
by the build system?

>>  3. Guix' build systems does something that either limits heap space
>>     or causes SBCL to require more of it.
>> Does anyone have an idea on how to proceed to fix the problem?
> Can you reproduce with SBCL 2.0 or SBCL 1.5?

Building sbcl-numcl works fine with 1.5 and 2.0. It's only with 2.0.2
that there is this heap issue.

> Maybe report this issue to the SBCL issue tracker, they will probably
> know what's going on.

If it's not a Guix issue, then yes, that's the way to proceed.


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