Hi. I use an updated Guix atop Debian buster on an x86-64 notebook. I had font problems in GNU Emacs. I took hours to recognize them as such and find the cause: Emacs was not using the fonts from Debian in `/usr/share/fonts'. I then worked around the problem by symlinking /usr/share/fonts to `~/.local/share/fonts' and invoking `fc-cache' (don't remember the exact parameters I used). Then additional fonts appeared in the output of `fc-list' and were indeed available to Emacs. Two questions:
1. Could this symlink cause problems for Debian applications? 2. Why does not Guix `fc-cache' look in `/usr/share/fonts'? Regards -- - <https://jorgemorais.gitlab.io/justice-for-rms/> - I am Brazilian. I hope my English is correct and I welcome feedback. - Please adopt free formats like PDF, ODF, Org, LaTeX, Opus, WebM and 7z. - Free/libre software for Replicant, LineageOS and Android: https://f-droid.org - [[https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html][What is free software?]]