* Richard Stallman <r...@gnu.org> [2019-10-30 03:04]: > [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider ]]] > [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]] > [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]] > > > I am calling those who have integrity to resign from GNU project, that > > is different as it is not a requirement. > > We need people of integrity in the GNU Project. I hope people who > have integrity will remain, not resign.
If I use Wordnet definitions, it is enough to clarify "integrity". * Overview of noun integrity The noun integrity has 2 senses (first 2 from tagged texts) 1. (3) integrity, unity, wholeness -- (an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting; "the integrity of the nervous system is required for normal development"; "he took measures to insure the territorial unity of Croatia") 2. (1) integrity -- (moral soundness; "he expects to find in us the common honesty and integrity of men of business"; "they admired his scrupulous professional integrity") Now, how is it morally sound to be supported by GNU Project, by its founder who created everything for the Guix project to be supported by GNU Project, and to be supported by the FSF, and then to enjoy donations of US $100,000 and then for Guix leader to publish defamatory statements on its own website? And then to call others to join him in his "Oh, I don't like your joke" direction, let us "cancel Stallman". What? That is hate movement within GNU project. Integrity would mean, for example, to verify the facts, to verify if the "MIT Episode", as Ludovic mentioned to me, is based on facts or is it based on rumors, and then to apologize. Integrity means being friend to GNU project, free software philosophy and friendship that is established in the project. Not dividing the community. That somebody got "offended" is not same to "offensive", there was nothing offensive in the jokes neither in the "MIT episode". Integrity means being either fully friend or fully enemy. Integrity would mean to either fully abide by the own Code of Conduct of Guix and stop with the harassment, or to recognize that one is enemy of the Guix project, and GNU project, and RMS, and abandon such. I am not saying what is better, in my opinion, best is to be friends, and to solve issues by communication, best would be to solve issue with facts. Obviously one group of people in Guix rows does not understand any facts, they react overly emotional and think that their social cause is just and they can destroy what they want. Or integrity would mean, for example, to take a stance , not apologize, but then also not pretend to be friend to GNU project and its core values, as one of its core values was not to introduce other politics but free software in the project. I am myself loving Guix and Guile, and would not like seeing developers go out of the project. But I have got very bad impression of their ideals and goals, and I would not like GNU project be run by that type of a group. In my opinion they are in serious doubt. At one point of time in future, they may get to senses, but now they are not. Really good talk on "why everyone is getting so offended". Why Is Everyone Getting So Offended? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kGBQSXX_GU Jean P.S. It wasn't the abort joke, it was a "Federal Censorship" joke. 25.7.4 Aborting a Program Future Change Warning: Proposed Federal censorship regulations may prohibit us from giving you information about the possibility of calling this function. We would be required to say that this is not an acceptable way of terminating a program. The above is more humor then a simple joke, it is not "hate speech", it is a joke. If one does not live in the USA, may take it out of the context. But that is certainly not a reason for defamation. It's joke. Finally, Stallman did not say what Ludovic is claiming to be the problem with the "MIT episode": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UbQ1kc1vQU Integrity means: to verify the facts and tell what is truth even if it is not comfortable.