I need spacemacs for a class, but I want to keep my emacs settings, so I
setup a script as described in the FAQ to separate emacs from spacemacs. The
script sets HOME to $HOME/spacemacs and calls emacs. It appears that guix
recalculates PATH when I call the script, so it cannot packages like git in
my profile.
I have identified three possible solutions, but I need a little information
to accomplish each:
1. Is there a way to preserve my profile in the PATH environment variable? I
tried $HOME/spacemacs/.bashrc but it isn't called. (solution 0)
2. Is there a way to setup a local profile in $HOME/spacemacs so emacs will
be able to locate the packages it needs? (solution 1)
3. How hard would it be to define a spacemacs package with the binary
renamed "spacemacs" so I won't have to use the script? (solution 2)