El Mie, 11 de Septiembre de 2019, 9:42 am, Miguel Suarez escribió:

> I use mainly GuixSD (as I said) on my main laptop, which I configured in
> other several distros I used before to share internet via ethernet, to a
> desktop PC. Doing this steps in any distro would always work, one of these
> distros which I used before and this worked was Debian, and Fedora, for
> example.
> The steps as simple as:
> 1 - Open a terminal, write: nm-connection-editor
> 2 - It opens, normally you would have two devices, ethernet and wifi.
> 3 - Choose ethernet, go to IPv4 and change method to 'sharing'
> 4 - It works!

In Emacs:
C-h i m guix

Once there:
C-s share your network connection

I found:
(gnu services networking)

It mentions nm-connection-editor. I have not read the section. But it
could be the way to learn about this topic and solve your problem or to
have more information to report an error.

Please report your new findings.

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