Hello, "Pierre-Henry F." <cont...@phfrohring.com> skribis:
> I had a problem with an i3wm keybinding which called a bash script which > called a command (Rofi) installed with Guix. > I uninstalled rofi with Guix, installed it again with apt and it worked fine: [...] > Apprently, installing with guix (`$ guix package -i rofi`) messes with > `export LC_ALL=...` and the likes... Most likely the problem comes with locale setup for Guix: https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/en/html_node/Application-Setup.html Packages installed with Guix do not use locale data provided by the underlying distro, which is why you have to follow the steps described in the page above to make sure that they have access to locale data. Does installed ‘glibc-utf8-locales’ and setting ‘GUIX_LOCPATH’ help? Ludo’.