Hello, znavko <zna...@protonmail.com> skribis:
> $ conkeror > JavaScript error: > file:///gnu/store/1as3pf6ynv3045gd96yi4vv5l9hy4vhr-conkeror-1.1.0/share/conkeror/components/application.js, > line 164: SyntaxError: missing ) after catch > JavaScript error: > file:///gnu/store/1as3pf6ynv3045gd96yi4vv5l9hy4vhr-conkeror-1.1.0/share/conkeror/components/command-line.js, > line 21: NS_ERROR_XPC_GS_RETURNED_FAILURE: Component returned failure code: > 0x80570016 (NS_ERROR_XPC_GS_RETURNED_FAILURE) [nsIJSCID.getService] > JavaScript strict warning: resource://gre/modules/ProfileAge.jsm, line 201: > ReferenceError: reference to undefined property "reset" > *** UTM:SVC TimerManager:registerTimer called after profile-before-change > notification. Ignoring timer registration for id: telemetry_modules_ping That’s because we just upgraded to IceCat 60, and Conkeror cannot work with it. I suppose Conkeror is not usable anymore, unless we keep a copy of IceCat 52 around. :-/ Ludo’.