On 2018-08-19T16:53:56-0600, Björn Höfling <bjoern.hoefl...@bjoernhoefling.de> 
 > Ludovic fixed the package, so if you do a guix pull && guix package
 > -i libchop it should be working now.  But he also wrote that libchop
 > is unmaintained (and what I didn't know: he's the author :-)).

Thanks, Björn. I knew Ludovic was the author (I think it was connected
with his PhD research?) and am interested because of the use of Guile
(it would be nice to have a backup system that has a Lisp-type
interface). Thanks also for the warning about the unmaintainedness of
libchop (and indeed a very quick trial suggests it may not be working,
though I'll have to try more extensively).


Benjamin Slade - https://babbagefiles.xyz
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